Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Key Terms- The internet and web design

  1. Define the term - Protocol
the set form in which data must be presented for handling by a particular computer configuration, esp in the transmission of information between different computer systems

2.  What are the following protocols used for?

TCP/IP- The TCP/IP suite of protocols is the set of protocols used to communicate across the internet. It is also widely used on many organizational networks due to its flexiblity and wide array of functionality provided.
http- http stands for (Hypertext transfer protocol) it is a method by which computers communicate webpages to one another
smtp-  SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for sending email messages across the Internet
pop- POP is short for Post Office Protocol, a protocol used to retrieve e-mail from a mail server.
FTP- FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is used to create a file server known as an FTP server which is a location created on the web that allows banks of files to be hosted/made available for download.
3.  What does GUI stand for?
Graphical user interface(GUI)

4. There are two methods of data transmission – serial and parallel. Explain the difference between them.

In parallel transmission, multiple bits (usually 8 bits or a byte/character) are sent simultaneously on different channels (wires, frequency channels) within the same cable, or radio path, and synchronized to a clock. Parallel devices have a wider data bus than serial devices and can therefore transfer data in words of one or more bytes at a time. In serial transmission, bits are sent sequentially on the same channel (wire) which reduces costs for wire but also slows the speed of transmission. Also, for serial transmission, some overhead time is needed since bits must be assembled and sent as a unit and then disassembled at the receiver.

5. Define the term “URL”. Explain the components that make up the url.

 Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
The first part is the protocol, which tells the web browser what sort of server it will be talking to in order to fetch the URL. In this example, the protocol is http.
  The second part of the URL is the fully qualified domain name of the website to connect to. This name identifies the website containing the page. The term "fully qualified domain name" refers to a complete website or other computer's name on the Internet.
The third part of the example URL is the path at which this particular web page is located on the web server. Similar to a filename, a path usually indicates where the web page is located within the web space of the website

6. In the context of data transmission, what is “error detection”?

Error detection is the detection of errors caused by noise or other impairments during transmission from the transmitter to the receiver

7. Why would error detection be important for the internet

It is important as if the error detection wasnt there you can get viruses because the error

8. Name and explain one common method of error detection.

Parity Check Method

Errors may occur in recording data on magnetic media due to bad tracks, sectors on the recording surface. Errors may also be caused by electrical disturbances during data transmission between two distant computers. It is thus necessary to device methods to guard against such errors. The main principle used for this purpose in coded data is the introduction of extra bits in the code to aid error detection. A common method is the use of parity check bit along with each character code to be transmitted. As a simple example of an error-detecting code, consider a code in which a single parity bit is appended to the data. The parity bit is chosen so that the number of 1 bits in the codeword or character code to be transmitted or recorded is even or odd.

9. What is HTML and explain why it is important

 HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a computer language devised to allow website creation. These websites can then be viewed by anyone else connected to the Internet.

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