Sunday, April 3, 2011


What ethical/legal issues need to be considered when implementing this database? Explain.
Ethical issues that need to be considered when implementing a music database is that the information in the database is correct and up to date such as the song title, the artist of the song, the album the song is from, the producers etc and that there are no errors. You need to make sure the database is easy to use by everyone such as people who does not have plenty of computer skills that it is easy to access as well as easy to navigate through as for those who have plenty of experience on computers. Instructions on how to use the database needs to be included for the customers so that if they get confused so that they can have a guide on how to navigate through the site. The database must not demonstrate any bias information on music or artist or the song given.
Legal issues that needs to be considered when implementing a music database includes that the information follows the copyright laws concerning the musical CD’s and do not plagiarise the music. That the company that is creating the database have possession of a music licence stating that they can legally sell and promote music. The CD’s is being sold from the company are selling legally and also that they are sold by the date specialised by the music industries that have given the CD’s to the store.  You also have to recognize the artist of the song, the producer and the song title of a sing if it is not an original song by that artist but a cover from another.

Discuss what advantages such a system has over conventional methods of organizing and previewing music?A system which has conventional methods of organising and previewing music has the advantage of being organised as the information is put into fields, setting apart each piece of information.  It allows the customer to create queries which can be both specific and general.  It is easier to update the information in the system as well as it is neatly presented. It can be searched by multiple fields. The database also includes a sample of the music and an image of the album as well as song name, artist name, genre, duration, cover art, cost etc.
Create a “data dictionary” for your database
Data type
Song title
Name of Song
Artist name
Name Of Artist
Genre Of Song
How long the song is
Album Cover  
What the album looks like
How much it costs
Sound sample
A sample of the song

- First you press the search button on the main menu

- Three different buttons will then come up, search for genre, search for artist, search for song

- If you click on the search for genre button, then you have to type in the specific name of the genre and the songs from that genre will come up

- if you click on the search for artist button, you have to type in the name of the artist and the songs by that artist will come up

- If you click on the search for song button, you have to type the specific song name and the song and a sample will come up

- When you want to return to the main menu then you have to press the back button on the search page 

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