Monday, May 30, 2011

computing anywhere,anytime

What is meant by a netbook? What is the 'cloud' in cloud computing?

Netbook is a small laptop(from 9 to 12 inches screen) usually with intel atom processor and intel gma graphic adapter made to be extremely portable, low on power usage(some can last for up to 9 hours or even more on the batteries), while their running performances are significantly slow and not designed to run games on.The cloud is a virtualization of resources that maintains and manages itself.

What applications does Google docs offer online?
Create basic documents, upolad your existing files, create spreadsheets and presentations online, Share and collaborate in real time, Safely store and organize your work, Control who can see your documents.

Why would you want you documents stored in the “cloud” (online)?
There are various advantages. First a major feature of cloud applications is that you can share them with colleagues or friends. You simply allow them access to the document instead of sending this document as an email attachment. Cloud computing can be done across various platforms. You don't have all those documents stored on your own computer, instead they are saved and stored "online", i.e. on the servers of the provider of the cloud application.
Advantages for students and teachers in google docs?
Enter Google Docs. students can create a spreadsheet in which you can share deadlines and assignment details (for example, whether it's a group or an individual task; if it requires write-ups, presentations, or just preparation). People can update them and edit and their work in group assignments in order to know how much work the other people have done.  You can use it to post to your blog, do writing assignments, type notes for reading assignments.  For teachers: For creating presentations to engage the students, share teaching methods or work that you are going to do. Upload the work for students if they lose the sheets or are away.

Which netbook, if any would suit your needs? Explain.
If I were to get a netbook i would like to get Dell Mini 10 (1012) because it is stylish,  impressive build quality, excellent screen, great keyboard and long battery life.

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