Thursday, October 27, 2011


· Explain what it does and how it might be used:
iGoogle lets you create a personalised homepage that contains a Google search box at the top, and your choice of any number of gadgets below. Gadgets come in lots of different forms and provide access to activities and information from all across the web, without ever having to leave your iGoogle page. Here are some things you can do with gadgets:
Ø View your latest Gmail messages
Ø Read headlines from Google News and other top news sources
Ø Check out weather forecasts, stock quotes, and movie showtimes
Ø Store bookmarks for quick access to your favourite sites from any computer
Ø Design your own gadget.
· Include a series of screen shots that describe how to use it:

        Tell us if the tool can be used on a smart phone or tablet as well as a computer
iGoogle cant be used on a smart phone and it can be used on a table as well as a computer. 

   Find one example of another product that does a similar job
An example of a product that does a similar job to iGoogle would be ninemsn. It has got an email associated with it and it also has gadgets and links to other websites.

Monday, October 17, 2011


    Done With Kritika and Hinarshi
    Explain what it does and how it might be used
  • Take notes anywhere- You're always moving, your notes should be too. With Evernote, your memories are on every computer, phone and device you use.
  • Remember things you like-Save everything cool and exciting you see online and in the real world. Snap a photo, record some audio and save it.
  • Plan your next trip- Keep all of your itineraries, confirmations, scanned travel documents, maps, and plans in Evernote, so you'll have them when you need them.
  • Save favorite webpages- Save entire webpages to your Evernote account with our nifty browser extensions. You get the whole page: text, images and links.
  • Work with friends and colleagues- Share your notes and collaborate on projects with friends, colleagues and classmates.
  • Keep everything in sync-With Evernote, all of your notes, web clips, files and images are made available on every device and computer you use.
  • Students- You can have your notes everywhere you go when you type them on evernote, save webpages which are useful for assignments and share them with other members of your work group
    Include a series of screen shots that describe how to use it

    Creating Your First Note

    Evernote can store many different types of content, and the most common is simple text; whether it's a note you write to yourself, a portion of a web page that you'd like to save or an email you've received that you want to remember, Evernote knows how to handle it. With that in mind, let's create your first note.
    At the top of the main Evernote window, you'll see a large button labeled "New Note":
    Click that button and Evernote will create a brand new note and place the cursor into the body of the note:
    You can give the note any title you like.

    Now, click in the main body of the note and start typing!
It's as simple as that. If you like, you can style the text by changing the font, increasing or decreasing the size or changing the color. You're can also bold, italicize or underline the text — all of these options are available in the toolbar above the note body.

Once you're finished typing your note, you don't need to do anything else. Evernote will automatically save and synchronize your new note to Evernote on the Web. That same note will then be available on all of your devices where Evernote is installed.

Stack your notebooks for better organization
Create headings for the groups of things that you do (or the hats that you wear in your business); this keeps things organized and makes it easier to find things. To create a stack, just drag a notebook into another one – then right click on the stack “parent” to name it whatever makes sense (in this case, Writing).

Merge Notes
If you use Evernote to collect ideas for blog posts or newsletter articles, you’ll find you sometimes end up with your ideas for the same subject scattered across many different notes.  You can merge the notes first by doing a search for the keywords or tags that will bring up your notes for a particular idea or subject then you choose the notes you want to merge, right click and select Merge Notes

Tell us if the tool can be used on a smart phone or tablet as well as a computer
  •  iPhone
  • iPod
  • Android  
  • iPad
  • Computer

Find one example of another product that does a similar job
    Microsoft OneNote

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Microsoft OneNote

Done with Kritika and Hinarshi

  Explain what it does and how it might be used
Microsoft OneNote 2010 is a digital notebook that provides a single place where you can gather all of your notes and information, with the added benefits of powerful search capabilities to find what you are looking for quickly, plus easy-to-use shared notebooks so you can manage information overload and work together with others more effectively.
OneNote delivers the flexibility to gather and organize text, pictures, digital handwriting, audio and video recordings, and more — all in one digital notebook on your computer. OneNote can help you become more productive by keeping the information you need at your fingertips.
Easy to gather, organize, find, and share your notes and information more efficiently and effectively. Powerful search capabilities can help you locate information from text within pictures or from spoken words in audio and video recordings. And easy-to-use collaborative tools help teams work together with all of this information in shared notebooks, whether online or offline.
OneNote provides you a solution for information overload, enables you to work with others more effectively, and helps you stay on top of tasks, schedules, and team information.

For students you can type up your notes on Microsoft Onenote and can take it around with you everywhere you go so that is easier to study, they can also search quicker for websites and share your information with other members in your group in group assignments
Include a series of screen shots that describe how to use it

Find and apply a template

To find and apply a template to a new page in OneNote 2010, do the following:
  1. Open the notebook or section where you want to add a page.
  2. In the page tabs list, click the arrow next to the New Page button.
  3. In the Templates task pane, do one of the following:
  • To use one of the built-in page templates, expand the type of template that you want, and then click the template that you want.
  • To reuse a template that you’ve created, expand My Templates, and click the template that you want.
  • To find a template on, click Templates on On, click a template category, select the template that you want, and then click Download to download the template to your computer.

Create a new notebook

  1. Click the File tab, and then click New.
  2. Under Store Notebook On, select a place where your notebook will be stored.
  3. In the Name box, enter a name for your new notebook.
  4. In the Location, type or browse to a location for your notebook to be saved.
  5. Click Create Notebook.

Save a notebook

OneNote automatically and continuously saves your work while you take notes, whenever you switch to another page or section, and whenever you close sections and notebooks. There is no need to save our notes manually, even when you finish them.
To save a copy of a section of your notes to a different location, do the following:
  1. Click the File tab, and then click Save As.
  2. Under Save Current, do one of the following:
  • To save only the current, open page in your notebook, click Page.
  • To save the current, open section in your notebook, click Section.
  • To save the current, open notebook, click Notebook.
  1. Under Select Format, click the file format that you want to save as.
  2. Click Save As.
  3. In the Save As dialog box, navigate to the location where you want to save the file.
  4. In the File name box, enter a name for your notebook.
  5. Click Save.

Insert a new page

  1. Open the notebook or section where you want to insert a page.
  2. In the page tabs list, click New Page.

Type or write notes on a page

To make typewritten notes, click wherever on the page you want the notes to appear, and then type. OneNote creates a notes container for each block of text that you type or write.

Print a page

  1. Click the File tab, and then click Print.
  2. Do one of the following:
  • To preview your file, click Print Preview.
Tip To go back to your file and make changes before you print it, click the File tab.
  • To print your file and check or change the properties for your printer, click Print.
Tell us if the tool can be used on a smart phone or tablet as well as a computer

  • PC
  • iPhone
  • iPod Touch
  • Windows Phone
  • Web app
Find one example of another product that does a similar job

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

delicious social bookmarking

Done with Kritka and Hinarshi
Explain what it does and how it might be used
·    Delicious is an internet site designed to allow you access to any website that you bookmark, no matter what computer you are using. It is a social bookmarking site and is a way for people to accumulate, categorize, find, and control information from web pages on the Internet. Users save links to their favourite and most useful web pages, in order to remember information.
·    Delicious allows you to access your information on all computers; you are able to use a school computer, work computer etc. to find your websites. It is extremely helpful because unlike your memory, you can always rely on Delicious.
·    It also offers access to bookmarks made by other people with similar interests as yourself, the ability to view friends bookmarks and add them for your own benefit , the choice to tag specific words to make your search within an article easier.
  • For school it allows people to bookmark websites in which they believe is useful and that they can use so that they can return to the site and not lose the url. Also if you are in a group assignment you can also share your websites with the other members.
Include a series of screen shots that describe how to use it
Be sure to use descriptive tags for your bookmarks, as they will be key to finding relevant information again. Tags are space-separated, and if you’re using multiple words, they should be run together, such as socialmedia.
Delicious Tag Dropdown
Use tags to organize your Delicious bookmarks.
You can start typing in a tag, and it will bring up a drop-down, or you can select it from the complete list of tags below.

Connecting With Others

Adding people
Delicious Add to Network
Add other users to your network.

Unfortunately, the only way that other users will know is if you tell them, or if they notice you’re following them in their network listing.
Delicious Network
See whom you're following, and who's following you in your network.

Saving a Bookmark

Delicious Save a Bookmark
These are your basic options when saving a bookmark.
Whenever you save a bookmark to Delicious, you have several options to fill in about the bookmark. Delicious will automatically pull in the URL and the title (based on the title tag of the page or post you’re saving). You can edit these as needed.

Notes are your additional description/information about your bookmark.
Delicious Bookmark
Your notes will be displayed with your bookmark.

You can share your latest bookmarks with your fans if you think they might like them. Start typing in the name to get a drop-down or use the Send tab to select the fans you want to share with.
Delicious Send a Bookmark
Send your bookmark to fans who have the same interests.
You can also add a personal message (up to 116 characters) to your fans about the bookmark.
Delicious Send Message
Send a message with your bookmark.
When you save your bookmark, it will be sent to the other user and arrive in his or her inbox.

Want to keep that bookmark to yourself? Simply check the Mark as Private box. Otherwise your bookmarks are visible to anyone who happens to come across your profile.


If you’re interested in particular topics, you can subscribe to those tags by going to your subscriptions area and Add a Subscription.
Delicious Subscriptions
Create subscriptions to follow your favorite topics.

Tell us if the tool can be used on a smart phone or tablet as well as a compute
   There is a application for iphone and on mac
Find one example of another product that does a similar job

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Assignment- Scissors, paper, rock game

This is my game for scissors, paper, rock

This is the screen shot before game started
 When you click an option, it can say "it was a draw"

It can say "You Win!"

It can say " computer wins
Public Class Form1Dim userselected As IntegerDim gameresult As Integer
ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.LoadEnd Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.ClickDim Random As New Random

Dim computerchoice = Random.Next(3)If computerchoice = userselected Then gameresult = 0Select Case computerchoiceCase 0If userselected = 1 Then gameresult = 2If userselected = 2 Then gameresult = 1Case 1If userselected = 0 Then gameresult = 1If userselected = 2 Then gameresult = 2Case 2If userselected = 0 Then gameresult = 2If userselected = 1 Then gameresult = 1End Select

Label1.Text = Select Case gameresultCase 0"It Was A Draw"
Label1.Text = Case 1"Computer Wins"
Label1.Text = Case 2"You Win!"End SelectEnd Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChangedEnd SubEnd Class

This is the code it is set on computer choice which means that the computer chooses the result which can either be "It Was A Draw", "Computer Wins", "You Win!"

This a flowchart of what happens

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tic Tac Toe javascript

This is my tic tac toe game, it is 2 players and if you click the box next to 'against the computer' you versus the computer. I use sharepoint to help create it and include messages such as the one shown saying who won and whether you want to play again

Monday, July 25, 2011

Selection and repetition

Selection- Solving a problem often involves making a decision between two or more options. In an algorithm this process of making a decision is called selection.
Moving through a set of traffic lights:
1. While driving along a road and come across a set of traffic lights.
2. If the green light is on, then continue driving as before.
3. If the yellow light is on, then begin to slow down and prepare to stop.
4. If the red light is on, then stop your vehicle immediately.

Deciding whether to take an umbrella to school.

1.Look outside of the house to determine the weather at that particular moment.
- It is a sunny fine day, do not take an umbrella.
- It is a cloudy or rainy day take an umbrella with you.

Giving a student an A, B or C on their test.

Calculate the student's percentage of the score the student got on his test result.
- the student got between 0 - 33.3% give them a C.
- the student got between 33.4 - 66.6% give them a B.
- the student got between 66.7 - 100% give them a A.

Repetition- Doing something again and again until you're satisfied, a set of repeated actions.

 Filling a bucket with water.
1) Place bucket under tap.
2) Turn tap on.
3) Wait 0.5 minute:
- 4/5 of bucket is filled close tap
- If 4/5 of bucket is not filled progress to step 4
4) Repeat step 3)until 4/5 of bucket is filled up.

Blowing up a balloon:
1. Take a balloon and blow air inside of it using your mouth.
2. Repeat blowing the balloon (blowing and stopping to gain air).
3. Stop blowing the balloon, press the open hole of the balloon to stop the air from escaping it and check if the balloon is the correct size you wanted.
4. Repeat until satisfied (until the balloon has been blown up to the correct size).
5. Tie a knot (or 2) at the opening of the balloon.